Directly contact MFD

MFD have one contact mobile number its listed on our google page. Other landline or mobile numbers please ignore them as it's most likely a scam.
The warehouse is not located in Brunswick.
NO pickups from the warehouse - other answers in our FAQ's
All correspondence is via email, Phone calls will be directed to email us.
Credit Accounts are currently not being accepted
If your question is regarding a current or past order please reply to the direct email sent to you on sale or shipping.
Why are so many of your products Out of stock?
International Orders Check this page if we ship to your country, maximum weights apply.
Please fill out the MFD web portal form below, ideal for dormant account password resets. If you have an MFD order number please use the above method as the operator is unable to access your order or any of the details. Please read the FAQ's prior.