ionic01 featuring Shaun Quade (25/10/2014)
Date Posted:27 October 2014

ionic01 featuring Shaun Quade, held at Melbourne Food Depot October 25, 2014 ionic01 featuring Shaun Quade, held at Melbourne Food Depot October 25, 2014
The event
Ionic 01 was the first in a series of events to be held at The Colours & Numbers Lab (Melbourne Food Depot). The name ionic is borrowed from a term used to describe a type of chemical bond. In this bond one or more electrons from one atom are removed and attached to another atom, resulting in positive and negative ions which attract each other. This analogy is a perfect way to describe the bond between ingredient supplier and chef, the choice of which chef to launch the series was easily made. The talented now Melbourne based chef Shaun Quade has been involved with the Melbourne Food Depot for over eight years. Through that time our ingredients have been pushed to the extremes of culinary adventure through a variety of hatted establishments Shaun has worked for. Below is what forty lucky patrons sampled on Saturday October 25, 2014.
The menu
First Course
Salt & Vinegar chicken skin, candied yolk and marjoram served with a chicken heart doughnut, tomato and turnip kimchi
Second Course
Hapuka cod ham, wild harvested sea blite & chlorophyll
Third Course
Cauliflower Tofu, camembert and toasted garlic & smoked croissant
Fourth Course
Carrot Ice Cream, cheese & marmalade
Fifth Course
Fossilised Apple Core, Jerusalem artichoke and white chocolate
Sixth Course
Our own Brunswick East honey straight from the hive 3 hours earlier served with a blue cheese foam. It was the first time for many being confronted with a frame of honey straight from our hive. This frame has since been returned to the hive where all the damage has been repaired by our wonderful bees.
Seventh Course
Rhubarb vanilla bean.
Each bean is hand carved from a single length of rhubarb, it is then dehydrated over many days while being brushed with our vader carbon. The intense taste was very enjoyable way to finish the night.
The Science
After each course Katherine asked questions regarding general chemistry and food science. The patrons battled it out to win one of the five prize bags.
One lucky patron took the challenge of drinking the dihydrogen oxide solution. He selected the green high strength variety as the crowd stepped back waiting for the results.
Katherine proving that you do not require heat to boil water.
Katherine explains it like this "Put simply, the boiling point of a liquid is the temperature at which bulk of the liquid changes into a gas. In order to do so, the vapour pressure of the liquid needs to equal that of the external surrounding pressure. When we decrease the external pressure we therefore decrease the vapour pressure of the liquid required to support the change in state. As a result, the temperature required for the liquid to 'boil' is also reduced."
Event Time laspe
Big thanks must go to the team Shaun assembled for the night, working hard in the kitchen upstairs and looking after all the patrons needs. Many patrons visited the team in the kitchen to take in some of the action. Our MC for the night Neil also did a sterling job keeping one eye on the clock the other on proceedings.
Photo Credits
Philip Smith from Photosmith
Philip Vernon