ionic 02 Masterclass Featuring Petros Dellidis
Date Posted:10 March 2015

ionic02, an excellent experience
As the masterclass was restricted to such small numbers (6 per session) the six sessions sold out quickly. The lucky participants were entertained by Petros's unique style backed up with some solid culinary techniques. It was not your average sit back and watch in the mirror demo, it was hands on. Every participant was brought out to make a particular element of the five course meal. Questions and banter easily flowed between the group, Petros and the Food Depot staff, with some very technical questions coming from participants. Petros managed to keep to time as the dessert table was waiting. This really ignited serious passion and expression in the participants.
Petros, with many strings to his bow, is also the head development chef on Shane Delia’s Spice Journey (SBS). You do not get into that position without a solid culinary background and also an ability to communicate ideas verbally and on the plate. Due to the full disclosure of recipes you will be able to recreate them in your home in full or using elements to surprise your friends and family. The special ingredients will be available to purchase online in the next couple of days. Thanks to all the lucky participants for making it such a success.
Take a look at the below short video containing stills and a time lapse of one of the dessert tables.
Who is Petros Dellidis?
2005 - commenced his apprenticeship at the RACV City Club under the tutelage of Massimo Di Luca and Mark Normoyle.
2006 - Petros was snaffled by George Calombaris and moved on with George to open The Press Club restaurant
2008 - Won The Thierry Marx Career Development Award, traveled and worked at the two starred in France Pauillac restaurant , Bordeaux under Chef Marx
until 2012- Made Establishment, owners of Hellenic Republic, Maha and St Katherine’s, eventually finding himself in the role of Head Chef at Little Press and Cellar
2013 - Petros teamed up with Shane Delia, accepting a new role as Projects and Development Chef, executing bespoke menus at large events such as the Spring Racing Carnival and Australian Formula One Grand Prix.
SBS Shane Delia’s Spice Journey - head developmental chef for the series which is currently airing in over 150 countries.
2014 April - G20 Summit travel with Shane Delia to Washington DC to cook at an exclusivedinner hosted by The Hon. Joe Hockey MP for the worlds bankers.